Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May I Suggest Peas

Among the many wonderful reasons to garden, if one of yours happens to be to amuse your children then may I suggest peas. We also have a strawberry plant, which is fun to harvest from. Anything picked fresh from the garden is far superior to store-bought, but there is an extra element to hunting for pods on a vine. They blend in so well with the plant that hunting for and finding peas becomes an experience. I remember it from my own childhood and now seeing the delight in my children's faces when they discover another pea pod to pick makes me feel like life is a bit of a circle game. We are currently watching our first tomato of the year, waiting for it to turn green, and if you are a four-year-old boy, waiting for it to get "too big to fit in the back of a truck." Happy Spring.

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