Friday, April 29, 2011

Permission Granted

There is a pomegranate tree in the yard of an apartment complex in the neighborhood that is huge and has a ton of fruit on it every year. I eye it every autumn with jealousy and nostalgia for the pomegranate jelly of my childhood. And lament over the wasted fruit as so much of it dies on the tree every winter. Yesterday, on a walk with the children, I finally saw someone outside of the complex. I asked if she lived there. She responded that she was the owner. At which point, I asked if I could pick fruit from her tree. She said, yes. Between now and harvest time, I need to learn how to make jelly, because while I was present for picking, juicing, and eating, I never actually participated in jelly making with Mom. Oh, and it was a total teaching moment for my son, who witnessed the transaction...Always ask permission, we don't take without asking, even if we don't think anyone is using it or would miss it if it were gone.

1 comment:

Destiny said...

My MIL make pomegranite jelly every year. It's the only one Allie will eat. Hope yours turns out well.